Finding Beauty in Waste

Kamakshi is from the beautiful state of Goa. She has lived in Mumbai, Chandigarh and now in Vishakapatnam. She is from a media background having worked with The Times of India Group, OHeraldo Goa and Big 92.7 fm in advertising sales and events. During her childhood days, Being an only child of working parents she chose to keep herself busy with arts and crafts.

She loved the beautiful, colorful and intricately designed wedding invitation cards which are mostly thrown away after the wedding.  Paperkrafts is about converting these beautiful cards, old magazines, fliers and other waste materials like bottles and bottle lids into wearable accessories and craft items. She works on mainly paper and plastic medium. The designs are lightweight, colorful and fun to wear. These are perfect for people who prefer to avoid wearing heavyweight jewellery.  Most designs are inspired from nature – Flowers, leaves, insects, animals and basic shapes.

here are some links about her work: