Stars of GSB, an interview-based television show, is an initiative of the Youth of GSB to inspire the youngsters of the community by providing them with deep insights into the lives of successful people of the community. The show aired on Namma TV- Local channel is an attempt to recognize the businessmen/women and other achievers of the community who have achieved exceptional feats in their lives. Apart from providing insights and recognizing the stalwarts of the community, the show intends to inspire thousands of youngsters to take up entrepreneurship and help in realizing the true potential of the economic power of this great land. The show has so far interviewed over 50 achievers for the benefit of the community’s youth. The recordings of the programme are also available on the web portal, YouTube channel and Mobile application of Youth of GSB.
The videos bring out the struggle behind achieving amazing feats, gives an insight into the amount of courage and determinations required to achieve something extraordinary in life and also gives the most important message that anyone can achieve anything, irrespective of their birthplace, situation at home and surrounding. All that is required is to have self-belief and keep on working towards achieving the goal without letting the negative aspects of life become an hindrance.
Do watch the amazing collection of life stories to get an insight into the lives of the stalwarts of the community:
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